Monday, 23 July 2012

Simple Thanksgiving Scavenger hunt Ideas

Thanksgiving is a harvest festival to celebrate and to express gratitude for the kindness bestowed upon us. It was originally observed as a harvest festival that became a secular holiday. This is a day where friends and family get together and express their gratitude for the favor of a turkey dinner. Holidays always have a way to rekindle our spirit and in bringing out the child in us.

But what have to do when you have people around for a traditional Thanksgiving dinner you. We have some great Scavenger Hunt Ideas that we think will work well for entertaining your guests.

Some Basics First

A scavenger hunt is a game where you are led on a path to find a list of objects. You do not need to rest your head to set this game because this is very simple and can be achieved within the contours of your home.

You could coin a simple scavenger hunt ideas on the theme of thanksgiving and let the guests find objects in and around your home. Here is some simple ideas thanksgiving scavenger hunt that might be useful if you plan to host a party.

  • You can draw a treasure map of your house and hide objects in various locations. You can see the index cards and leave them with a treasure hunter that will lead to the next object. When the last object that you can leave a note was found which would lead them to the finish line? You can always take them to dinner and treat them the best turkey of you.
  • Scavenger hunt need not always be the object of hunting. You can set the photo scavenger hunt game where you get people taking pictures of subjects that they are hunting for. This is much faster than a traditional treasure hunt and interesting as well. Objects can be categorized in such a way that their own form leads to the next clue.
  • A variation to the traditional scavenger hunt game is to find the wrong object. For example, you can leave the items in the house that are not in their usual form, such as the inverted image on the wall, candles upside down on a table, wall clocks missing hands and so forth. Do not make them clearly visible as they may take the essence of the game. Leave them as smooth as possible. This again is an interesting variation
  • A simple scavenger hunt will let the participants find a picture or a sentence or anecdote in a book. This will work especially well with children. An alternative to this can make the kids hunt for the world or a world map to a specific city or a country. To allow children to learn about thanksgiving scavenger hunt can be arranged in the form of questionnaires in which questions can be pilgrims, and on various themes around thanksgiving.

Vacations are meant to be a relaxing time with your loved ones. Thanksgiving holiday more specifically to create a strong bond and relationship. While thanking the heavens for having given to all the goodness in you, enjoy thanksgiving with friends and family.

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