Saturday 28 July 2012

Ideas for Great Scavenger Hunts

The ideas for the scavenger hunt run the gamut from Amazing Race-style events to backyard treasure hunts. It's the perfect hunt for teen get-togethers, birthday parties or any type of gathering you can imagine. Here are some tips to launch a successful scavenger hunt for each age group:

Planning Is Key

If you are planning a scavenger hunt that involves challenging or traveling, make sure you have everything you need, including permission from parents for children to ride the vehicle. You can create a simple gift, but unpleasant. You want your goals to be challenging but realistic enough to achieve. If you are hunting for older children or adults, to make more detailed than just have to ask for something. Put several items on the list that will be a challenge to get.

Make safety priority

The important thing to remember is safety. If feasible, divided into teams, and have one or two adults per team, even if there are older teens. Make sure parents understand what is involved if the children will be driving a car or somewhere other than the original meeting place. Make sure each child has permission to participate. For young children, just make sure that there are adults supervising and that everyone abides by the rules.

Finish Off With a Bang

Scavenger hunt party is not complete without food, including a scavenger hunt. Plan for the end time, and have everyone back at the rendezvous arranged for food and to announce the winners.

Keep meals simple finger foods, pizza, cakes and perfect. Video or digital photo sharing with everyone if this is part of your hunt. Take a group picture and award prizes.

Scavenger Hunt Ideas:
  • Nature Hunt: This one is great for the kids. They have to find everything on their list, and the content can range from flowers to animals. Use a local park for this event.
  • Hunt's Department Store: Send your guests out of the mall for various items.
  • Photo Hunt: For this hunt, you provide a list of things to do, like having your picture taken with the police. Guests must take a digital photo as proof, and you'll be counting how many photos they take to determine the winner.

Remember to use your imagination, keep things safe but entertaining and everyone will have a good time.

Friday 27 July 2012

Scavenger hunt took the idea to a New Level Teen Spirit

There are so many ideas floating scavenger hunt for teens on the Internet. You will be informed about everything from invitations and place for food and games related to scavenger hunt for teens. This is all well and good until you realize that your teen may be outgrowing your scavenger hunt is carefully planned for them.

You can specify one of the reasons of ignorance increases - there are only so many ways, places and people to hide things in the home and in the neighborhood. Your imagination must go on overdrive right now by suggesting that the place for scavenger hunt expanded. We can recommend the city and the mall to say the expansion plan, a manner of speaking.

City of Hunting

This is one of the teens hunt ideas you want to have to think more quickly. If you live in a big city with many attractions, you can instruct the participants to record things, places and people on the list of scavengers. You just props will include digital cameras, which can be one independently or incorporated in a mobile phone.

Thus, there is no need to actually pick up objects from the video and / or photo documentation was insufficient evidence. You can also add extra points to the most creative answers to the scavenger tasks, questions and challenges. Make sure that you have gifts, food and chairs at the ready after the race.

You can include a scavenger list of activities: Going through some fast-food drive-through backwards; embraced by 10 men or women in blue jeans and white shirt in the park; slide down and swing to a children's play is set in the school; up certain until the next bus stop; write your name on a particular sidewalk, and even took 30 sheets of paper trash ala Judas.

Of course, you may have to provide money for transportation costs, but it would be a cost less than the benefits of fun, friendship and the teens will have fun.

Mall Hunting

Yet another of the hunt idea teenager who will bring excitement back to jaded teens is hunting the mall. Yes, indeed, among those mall rats will just love this game, not to mention that you will like the idea that children do not walk around the city. But first, you have to scope out the local mall to get an idea of where things and events that you want to reach teens. Also, it is important to check with the personnel of the game is allowed only for you and your children do not violate the rules of the mall.

Once again, you will only need a digital camera coupled to a pen and paper games like buying a product is not required. You can include activities such as get the signature of an employee's boutique in the game; photo shop window art, food prices at a certain restaurant, and a picture of children's play area. All youth hunt ideas would be a hit if only because it ups the ante on the fun and adventure even just for a day.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Scavenger Hunt Ideas for the New Year

There is probably no better time to try new ideas rather than a scavenger hunt New Year's Eve or New Year's Day. If you are planning to have friends and / or family to ring in the new year to collect some basic ideas for people to find, Suppose you have two teams of four or five each. Have each team choose a leader and give people a list of items to find in the house. Select a category to an item, such as the blue stuff or things that start with certain letters of the alphabet. You do not even have to go out to enjoy an hour or two of this great hobby.

Another jewel in the hunt for ideas for the New Year is looking for images or objects that represent individual New Year's resolutions. Before the hunt, gather as a group and have a list of all the people at least one resolution for the coming year. Write it on a separate piece of paper and mix them with a hat or bowl. Make it even more challenging by giving a resolution of one team to another team member.

For example, if an individual has decided to lose weight, making the search more challenging by limiting the "evidence" to show ads before and after photos. If someone made a resolution to eat more healthy foods, challenging them to find a certain kind of food "good" or a number of items they will not eat in the new year. Like all scavenger hunt ideas, use your imagination to make it fun and challenging.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Try The Photo Scavenger Hunt - As an Individual Or With a Running Group!

What exactly, "The Scavenger Hunt Pictures?" Well, simply put, you run around town you find different things to take pictures. You set the amount of time to run, and take a picture that you can find on your scavenger hunt list.

I am a cross country and track coach. Each season we do this exercise as an easy run. We split the team into groups of five to eight runners. Each group gets a disposable camera. The group then gets a list of items that they need to take a picture. Only by taking a photo is your entire group, minus the camera, must be in the picture. That way we know that every runner from each group is at each location.

This exercise works for individuals as well. Just grab a camera, get a list of things to take photos, and head on out the door. Make sure you set a certain time limit, so you do not waste time looking for one thing too long. The idea is to get something as much as possible in a short time. It is almost like running a bunch of mixed intervals with short recovery.

Here is a list of examples of items that we used to hunt across the country last season photo scavenger. They were given 45 minutes to try and get a picture because many items. Now some of the things that are picked specifically for the distance they need to run to get them. Intelligent group will plan their route, so that they can cover at least the land and maximize the number of pictures taken.
  1. With the restaurant.
  2. with strangers.
  3. with water.
  4.  in the forest.
  5. Help pump some gas.
  6. by the church.
  7. in some swing.
  8. Your favorite stretch.
  9. with the water tower.
  10. with your favorite car.
  11. Doing yard work.
  12. Help citizens cross the street.
  13. on the railroad.
  14. on the football field.
  15. with an ugly car.

Now, some locations are more than a mile from where we started. If we plan ahead runner, they can make a complete circle of five miles and includes every item in the list. This makes for a nine-minute mile pace. Now add in the fact that you have to stop for pictures. You end up with exercise, fun but somewhat challenging.

I have never seen a group of children are so excited to run before I do this. They were asked to do it every week. I told them that it's quite expensive for the whole team to do this. Our bill was just under $ 100 for eight and a disposable camera and image development.

So there a true "fun" runs. I will develop one you for training this summer. The world looks much brighter and more interesting when you have to look for certain things. That makes walking fun and fresh, even for an old veteran like me to walk. Give it a shot. I am sure you will love it.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Scavenger hunt Ideas - The Christmas Scavenger Hunt

The wind gets colder, the trees have shed their last leaves, and the first snowflakes began to fall. Must be time to start thinking about all the scavenger hunt ideas you have for Christmas.

Christmas is one of the few occasions when the family reunited for the prize giving and dinner. Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, but the Christmas fever has spread to other people's religions. What decorations are dominated by green and red, upbeat Christmas jingles, and the general cheer that every time someone has already close to Christmas, it's hard to not get carried away. Why not make this Christmas season extra memorable by playing games with family and friends you've invited into your home? 

One game that remains flexible and enduring is the hunt. The name of the opportunity, every opportunity, and you will find a scavenger hunt that takes the theme and ran away with it, producing a large hunting can live forever in the minds of participants. This game has been used from the spent time to make the company more unique functions.

What is the difference between a scavenger hunt scavenger hunt for Christmas and every parent? Christmas scavenger hunt can also apply the same method to make rules for the instructions and hunting items, but the main difference is in the nature of the items to be found. Scavenger hunt during Christmas usually includes hard finding but very Christmas-y items, such as the sacred leaf (either real or artificial), pine nuts, Christmas tree lights, poinsettia flowers, candy canes, and more.

Hunting photos can also be played during Christmas. Instead of taking the goods from where they were sitting, the team can only take pictures of the items on their list. That way, the game will be faster, and they can search for items over a period of time. People can have played a home where hunting is not necessary to have a problem to clean afterwards.

Another popular Christmas scavenger hunt idea is to decorate the room with a Christmas theme, but the organizers to make sure that some things do not quite go with the decorations. For example, instead of putting the whole candy canes on the tree put a half eaten one. Instead of putting a hat on a snowman usual, have it wear a cowboy hat. The angels also may have square halos, and you put the candle on the table may be reversed. This is fine, but if we look close enough, people find something wrong. Have participants take a picture of the absurdity of it. Whichever team collects most of the images "out-of-place" items at the end of the time limit wins.

Christmas activities put a spin on the usual cordial greeting, dinner rigid, and the traditional gift-giving. Engage your guests in some fun Christmas!