Thursday 26 July 2012

Scavenger Hunt Ideas for the New Year

There is probably no better time to try new ideas rather than a scavenger hunt New Year's Eve or New Year's Day. If you are planning to have friends and / or family to ring in the new year to collect some basic ideas for people to find, Suppose you have two teams of four or five each. Have each team choose a leader and give people a list of items to find in the house. Select a category to an item, such as the blue stuff or things that start with certain letters of the alphabet. You do not even have to go out to enjoy an hour or two of this great hobby.

Another jewel in the hunt for ideas for the New Year is looking for images or objects that represent individual New Year's resolutions. Before the hunt, gather as a group and have a list of all the people at least one resolution for the coming year. Write it on a separate piece of paper and mix them with a hat or bowl. Make it even more challenging by giving a resolution of one team to another team member.

For example, if an individual has decided to lose weight, making the search more challenging by limiting the "evidence" to show ads before and after photos. If someone made a resolution to eat more healthy foods, challenging them to find a certain kind of food "good" or a number of items they will not eat in the new year. Like all scavenger hunt ideas, use your imagination to make it fun and challenging.

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